This allowed me to extract all global address lists from the server without having administrational access to the server. All this worked fine with an offline GAL on Office 2010.
Here's the code based on the above source. Just copy to a new VBA :
' benötigte Konstanten Private Const olExchangeGlobalAddressList As Integer = 0 Private Const olExchangeUserAddressEntry As Integer = 0 Private Const olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry As Integer = 5 Public Sub readGAL() Dim oOutlook As Object Dim oAddressList As Object Dim oAddressEntry As Object Dim oExchangeUser As Object Dim i As Integer i = 0 ' Outlook-Instanz anlegen Set oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") ' Alle Adress-Listen durchgehen For Each oAddressList In oOutlook.Session.AddressLists ' Prüfen, ob Exchange-Liste If oAddressList.AddressListType = olExchangeGlobalAddressList Then ' Alle Adress-Einträge durchgehen For Each oAddressEntry In oAddressList.AddressEntries ' Prüfen, ob Adress-Eintrag If oAddressEntry.AddressEntryUserType = 1 Then i = i + 1 Cells(i, 1) = oAddressEntry.Name For Each omyUser In oAddressEntry.Members i = i + 1 Cells(i, 2) = omyUser.Name Cells(i, 3) = omyUser.Address Next End If Next End If Next ' Objektvariable freigeben Set oExchangeUser = Nothing Set oAddressEntry = Nothing Set oAddressList = Nothing Set oOutlook = Nothing End Sub